Monday, October 15, 2007

fyi I (heart) My Blog!

This is just a quick message to the World and its Wide-Web, how much I Love You! You have been beneficial to my life in so many ways. You have brought me closer to my children (I have black-barred their eyes, AC/DC-style to keep those To Catch a Predator Freaks away.)
You have brought me closer to old friends, such as Buddie Mervin and made new friends such as my fellow American Idol Contestant 35831, or as I know him MC Square. (The straight-edge rapper!)

More to come, such as my take on Spam (emails that is, not the delicious, canned meat) Duh, seriously, G-R-O-W U-P A-L-R-E-A-D-Y-!-!-!

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