Monday, September 24, 2007

The Good Ol' Days

Hey Bloogers:

A good friend of mine, Tina Smith asked me to post this old picture of me from the Gateway Graphics Days. As many of you may have heard, I am trying to recruit her for the postion of my Executive Assitant for CockaRhodes Printing. This is proof of the day I drove The old Yellow Yale LPS Forklift down MacArthur to Crystal's Pizza and back to pick up food for the overworked and underpaid third shift. I still respect you guys! If I remember correctly, there were 2 Pepperonis, 1 "the Works" and 1 with just anchovies. Doug got that so no one would eat his pizza pie, cause everyone hates anchovies except Doug.

Alright more to come.

-The Dawg

PS You can see my piece of Pepperoni that Phil gave me on the ground. Way to go!

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